This last weekend I headed down to Kinshicho for the Tokyo Sky Tree Live music event. There isn't as big of a turn out then I originally thought but meh, I enjoyed my self.
There was a bunch of local artists from around the area and Chiba... I got a few names and flyers for up coming events...
I also got an invite to this small Jazz club... I'm gonna try to go there next weekend.
It's a little clip
And some pics
It was nice... I then started to head back to the station to head over to Akihabara but.... I thought to myself... Could I walk there?? I am trying to learn the area a little better as I have been slave to the train for so long... I remember driving pass Akihabara into Kinshicho a few months ago.. It didn't seem far at all...
I did a quick Google map search and I was off!! Walking along beside the JR Sobu Train line I felt at lease I wouldn't get lost.
After getting out of the immediate area of the Station Kinshicho is a really nice area... Very quite... Much quieter then I would have guessed...
I passed over a large river and took a small break on a bridge overlooking some boats.
Anyways... My phone died during the walk so I didn't take anyother photos but.... All in all.. It was a rather peaceful Sunday.
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