Thursday, 10 February 2011

Stressful time at school

It's the last day for handing in reports and the tension is high.
Both students and staff are feeling it..  I was sitting.. well I am still sitting in the library today when one of the students cracked and started shouting at one of the staff members.

Something to do with resetting his password on is computer account or something but he was just going at it.  He was shouting as the staff just apologized for nothing.  It was his fault but the staff were apologizing..
This went on for a good 5 mins.  The younger people in the Kanto area can be soo rude!!!
I wanted to punch him this kid after he called the nice lady helping him a "stupid granny" 「お前 アホウ?ババ!」

Anyways.. We all need to vent sometimes but we should all find less destructive ways of doing it.  I talked with the lady after he left and she just apologized for the noise.  I said I wanted to punch the kid for being so rude she look surprised but then said "if it was her kid she would do the same".

Ok... I'm done venting..  Back to writting.. My last report is due in 2 hours.


1 comment:

  1. Today I am grading students...That guy is lucky he ain't one of them. ;)
