Tuesday, 17 May 2011

School... Here we go!

Hey everyone!

Its been a busy week. School has been hectic... Lots of studying and homework, not to mention doing research for my thesis. (Undergrads are expected to write thesis here in Japan)

Last semester, I wrote a little bit about my ideas for it, but after a few revisions and one class later, it seems that the topic was a little too broad...

It wasn't all for loss... My new topic is almost the same thing just alot more focused.

I'm going to try and sum it up in a nutshell...

Japan was and still is a leader in social networking. Although it came after the early services like Geocities, Mixi was around almost 5 year before Facebook was released...
It allowed UCC (User Created Content) to be posted easily from any Mobile Phone... Bring in the rise of the Camera Phone.

Do you own a Mixi account? If your between the ages 10- 35 and Japanese the chances are you do.... Mixi is strictly Japanese.

Anyways... Today, Facebook, Myspace and Twitter have seen a huge increase of users from Asian, more recently Japan (5 years)

As these social networking sites continue to grow, the gap between social groups has both grown closer together and further apart.

My thesis is focused on researching how younger (ages 15-30) Japanese adolescences cultural values will change over the next ( x amount of time)

Anyways... Gotta go to class!

More later


- Posted using BlogPress

Location:At school

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Changing things aroun

Hello there!

Sorry for those that keep checking my blog for new postings....  I've been rather busy with school and job hunting.

As I haven't posted for a while, I'll try to sum up everything in a few lines

-  Earthquake... That was a mess
-  Sudden trip back to Canada... in relation to ^
-  Entrance Ceremony for new students
-  Lack of Student at school
-  And on a good note... Nice warm weather.

I'll hopefully be posting a few of these in the next few days.

Oh yes.. I did write a very large and detail posting about the Earthquake with pictures... Then my iPhone blogging App crashed and I lost everything...  I'll try to summarize it in my next post.

But for the time being for those that are wondering..

1. I'm still in Japan
2. I have food
3. I still only have 2 eyes and no unusual grows of any kind because of the radiation.


Till tomorrow.
