Tuesday, 8 March 2011

遠足だ‼ワィイー 関西行きo(^▽^)o A little field trip to Kandai - Part 1

Hey everyone!!

I'm currently riding on the Shikansen ( Bullet Train ), speeding towards Ōsaka!!!!


The trip is apart of a tour and research project for a spring class I'm taking... It's so far be pretty fun... Besides the transportation cost... $400Cdn

Today, Our group is heading out to meet a few representative from WHO ( World Health Organization ) to hear about recent projects and get the chance to ask question.

I've written down a few things I want to ask but I'm not sure there is enough time... I'll try and make it short

Anyways... a bunch of us just passed out here and we still have about 1 1/2 till we reach Ōsaka

Time to play a little Traffic Panic

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Location:Tokyo to Kansai and back.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Moving Day

Hi there everyone,

Moving day was a few days ago! I'm heading out of the dorms and into an apartment a little further into town.

I packed all my stuff in boxes and rented a Kei Truck.

A Kei truck is a tiny pickup truck that has only 660CC ... Don't under estimate them... Their light and fast!! I want one.....

Anyways, I picked up at 8am, loaded 1/4 of my stuff and started my day.

As you can tell from the picture, I didn't sort my stuff ....

I jumped into the truck, tied my bandanna and headed off.

Here are some more pictures....

Anyways, I arrived at my new place, turned on the lights and .... Nothing... We had no light bulbs...

Or rather, they were all burnt out.

Remind me to thank the landlord...

Anyways, after taking about 3/4 of my stuff, we still had to buy a refrigerator and washing machine and unload the stuff in the car...
Oh yea .... Pickup light bulbs ...

This was at 5pm... Hahahaha I'm gonna die...

**Note: I have stopped taking pictures.....lol

At 7 we got the refrigerator and washer. At 8 I had dinner.
At nine 9 headed back to my old place to pickup the remaining 1/4 of my stuff and at 1am I was finished....

Moving is tough business... I feel sorry for those that do it for a job.

lol , anyways ... That was an experience, lets not do that for a few years...


PS: I took the truck back to the rental place at 8am the next morning.

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