Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Just sitting down

Having a morning coffeeThe last few days have been pretty busy. It's nice to sit down and have a coffee.(^-^)

Location:手作り村 ー 盛岡

Monday, 30 August 2010

Mural Project - Day Five

Hi there everyone

Today was Sunday and we had a very big turnout!  We had a big group of students from one of the English study groups from Morioka University get their hand prints done.

The project is getting along nicely, Denise and her new friend have been working hard on the background of the Morioka side building up the base as Lily and Noreen have been lining up the the different sections and making sure the colours line up correctly.

We are getting a good amount of returning volunteers working on little bits and pieces and even taking some work home.

This pice of work much have taken hours!!!! Every piece is done so well!!

Getting Hand Prints
And More Hand Prints!
All ears to Lily
Taking a quick break
Lunch Time! Hot Noodles and Chicken


Saturday, 28 August 2010

Having dinner out

Just sitting down to have a good dinner. It's been a hard week and everyone needed to get out of the center. Here are some pictures.



Mural Project - Day Four

Hey everyone!!

Our Welcoming Board

Well it's been four days and the project is moving along well.  All the volunteers have been busy busy busy with all the cloth cuts outs and tracing different parts of the original design.  The designers have been talking details of the red boarder and colours of the sky..... Translating all of the conversations have been really tiring but thanks to the a few other volunteer translators, my job got much much easier.   ^___^

** Check the bottom for a video  **

I put some pictures and video clips together. It's a work in progress. I'll try to update it in the next post..

Friday, 27 August 2010

Mural Project - Day Three

Hello everyone!....
I'm rather tired after today...   So just a short post.

Today we all made yellow hand prints and drew out some different pictures to put in on the mural.  We were also joined by some students from Morioka University.  ^___^ 

Noreen making prints
The paint was rather cold !!!
Barbra and Mr. Murayama, discussing the design.
Cutting and Drawing

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Mural Project - Day Two

Hello!  Today was the second day of the Mural Project.  Unfortunately, much of the Mural was left stuck in Vancouver because of mechanical problems.  But making the best of the free time we all jumped in the cars at went shopping.

After that, we all gathered in Umakko Park to have a offical start to the Mural Project.  Words from Mr. Murayama, (My old homestay father) , Ms. Yoshimi (My Japanese Mother) ,  and Umakko Parks Owner were given and we all enjoyed a good dinner with friendly people.  Including a special treat of Mr. Murayama's Edamame  (枝豆)

Speech by Mr. Murayama
Lilly and Noreen
Great Food
Denise and Mr. Kitatochi
Taeko, Hisako, Barbara, and Noriko

Welcoming the Mural Project Members

Hello All !! Sorry I haven't been keeping my blog up to update.  I've been a little busy running around here and there.
If you might not have heard, the Morioka Friendship Society has been working on a Project with the Creative Peace Mural Society and there many volunteers creating a clothed based Mural.

There were greeting by a small welcome party at Morioka Station.

Welcoming at Morioka Station.

Noreen having a look at the local rice.
Waking up and doing e-mail